Module 8: Screenings


This is a mandatory quiz to be completed upon reviewing this week’s materials.

It is only graded for completion, so take the quiz for your learning!

Screening is an important part of what we do to prevent disease.

What makes a good screening?

  • The test is screening for a serious disease.

  • The screening test can catch disease at an early stage of development.

  • The treatment before symptoms occur is more effective than treatment that is delayed until symptoms appear.

  • The screening can accurately distinguish people with the disease vs. people without the disease.

Let’s take colon cancer as an example! One screening tool we have is called a colonoscopy, which is a scope that can visualize the colon. The test is screening for a serious disease that is prevalent in our society. The scope is able to catch the disease (i.e. visualize benign polyps) before it becomes a cancerous tumor. And since patients are often asymptomatic at the early stages of disease, the scope can catch disease earlier than waiting for when symptoms appear.

We have made a compilation of the most up-to-date evidence-based screening guidelines that prevent illness or disease.

Please refer to this table if you’re wondering whether the person you’re helping on the van needs a certain screening!

You do not have to memorize the content of this document; however, it is important to be familiar with what screenings are available, such that you can look out for opportunities to discuss them on the van. Table link again: Click Here!


This is a mandatory quiz to be completed upon reviewing this week’s materials.

It is only graded for completion, so take the quiz for your learning!